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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Please note: As of December 2023 our wait list is full

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a short term therapy that helps people to problem solve by supporting insight into the relationship between beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, and the behaviours that follow.  As of August 2023, our wait list is full for this service.

What we offer

Cognitive behavioural therapy 

CBT is an evidence based approaches used with children and young people for a range of issues including anxiety and low mood.  

Our CBT sessions take place online with one of our clinical psychologists with children aged 12 upwards.

How this can help

CBT can help your child to:

  • Manage difficult feelings, like anxiety
  • Feel more positive about how they can cope with what life throws at them
  • Understand the link between their throughs, feelings and actions

How much does it cost?

We offer blocks of 6 sessions at a time.  Each course of CBT requires an initial and concluding parental session charged at the hourly rate.

Our online CBT hourly rate is £130. A package of 6 sessions with an initial parent consultation and concluding parent consultation is £1,040.

How you can find out more

Please have a read of our Cognitive Behavioural Therapy FAQ section or get in touch with us here.

The sessions have been really helpful in terms of gaining insight into how different situations affect my emotions and the physical experience that comes with those emotions. I found the fact that the sessions are mainly led by me helpful for practising assertiveness and making sure that everything that I want to cover is covered. I also appreciated the weekly things to work on as it gave the sessions a good structure and something to talk about. I had a good time 🙂

Catherine, 17

Catherine is definitely in a much happier place than when she first started counselling. Obviously, there are some other factors, such as her ability so socialise more and participate in Drama and sport outside the home, but I'm sure that the counselling has helped. She seems to have become much more self aware about her emotions and also about the things that she finds challenging. I think that this is a good thing because she is also quite proactive and independent about finding solutions. I'm so impressed with that, and I imagine that the counselling has helped her with this as well. [Working remotely] seemed to work very well for Catherine as she was happy to fit it into her school day. Time is a limited resource for her and so I think that this was much better than having to travel to an appointment. We are really grateful for the help you have given Catherine. Thank you so much. It's hard to isolate the benefits of the counselling, as the world itself isn't static and neither is Catherine, but I think that is has been hugely reassuring and positive for Catherine to have this space over the past few months.

Catherine’s mother

Online CBT FAQ

What is Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for?

Online CBT is particularly effective for older teens who may find it easier to discuss their thoughts and feelings over easier and more convenient than an in person appointment.  We offer short courses of CBT (6 sessions) which can support young people who are experiencing exam stress, general anxiety or have a particular issue they would like support with. 

Who carries out this therapy?

Our clinical psychologists run these online sessions.  

All members of our team are registered with their professional bodies with enhanced DBS checks. 

Is there any follow up support?

Part of our way of delivering therapeutic support to children and young people is to ensure that their parents are fully part of the process.  This mean that we have an initial session with parents, as well as a feedback session at the end of the six sessions.  

What other professional support is available?

As we work as part of a team made up of professionals in educational psychology, clinical psychology, speech and language therapy and occupational therapy, we are able to offer support for any further needs. This includes autism, mental health, speech and language, and sensory motor needs as well as ongoing interventions and therapies with children and parents.

What if I am interested in several of your services?

We are happy to combine any of our services. 

What we cannot help with

As we are not a crisis service, we are unfortunately unable to offer assessment of mental illnesses including bipolar disorder, psychosis, an established eating disorder or in cases where there is extensive self-harm or suicidal ideation. 

Who should I speak to in case of an emergency?

We are not a mental health crisis service so if you have immediate concerns about your child or young person’s wellbeing, please contact the emergency services or your local NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service crisis telephone line. 

Other useful organisations include:

Childline: 0800 1111

Samaritans: 116 123 or text “Shout” to 85258.